HOW I WORK: Chris Hervochon, CPA, CVA

Chris Hervochon in front of a live oak with Spanish moss

From South Carolina Association of CPAs (SCACPA)

SCACPA engagement: 

Serves on SCACPA’s committees of Member Engagement and Governmental Affairs.


Hilton Head Island

Current gig: 

Owner of a better way CPA. I specialize in outsourced accounting and taxes.

Current mobile devices: 

“iPhone 7. No case or screen protector, which drives my wife nuts. I like to live on the edge.”

Current computer: 

“HP laptop with an Intel i5 and 2.4 GHz and 8GB ram, running Windows 10. Unfortunately, this one is about to be put out to pasture.”

One word that describes how you work (and then why): 

“Mad scientist. I’m always trying something new, whether it be a process improvement or new software.”

What apps/software/tools can’t you live without? 

“In no particular order: GruntWorx (data extraction), (content creation), Excel 365 and Power BI (data visualization).”

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