Lessons In Leadership: Leadership Academy graduates describe their best takeaways

Chris Hervochon

The Journal of Accountancy interviews Chris Hervochon

By Teri Saylor | Journal of Accountancy

The AICPA started the Leadership Academy in 2009 to teach the next generation of CPAs strategies to help them become strong leaders in their organizations and communities and in the profession. Over the past nine years, more than 350 CPAs have graduated from the highly selective program.

This year, the Leadership Academy is celebrating its 10th graduating class. We asked graduates to describe the best leadership or career lesson they learned through their participation. Here is an edited compilation of what they shared:

“Some of the lessons I learned at the Leadership Academy are as follows:

Make sure your own house is in order before effectively leading others.

Everybody carries the story of their own life experiences. If your story isn’t currently working for you, then you need to reframe how your experiences will define you going forward. You can determine to what degree your past defines your future.”

Chris Hervochon, CPAOwner, A Better Way CPA, Hilton Head Island, S.C.
Leadership Academy class of 2018

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